
Our Collaborators

Housed at Tulane University, the Bogalusa Heart Study thrives through its collaborative efforts with leading academic institutions, research centers, and global initiatives dedicated to advancing cardiovascular and cognitive health. These partnerships drive groundbreaking research, foster education, and amplify our shared mission to improve public health outcomes worldwide.

Collaborators Bogalusa

A Strong Network of Partners

Our Collaborators: Building a Network of Impact

For over five decades, the Bogalusa Heart Study has brought together dedicated researchers, medical professionals, and community leaders to address critical questions in cardiovascular health and childhood development. Our partnerships with academic institutions, healthcare providers, and local organizations have expanded the study’s impact from Bogalusa, Louisiana, to a global scale.

Through collaborations with esteemed institutions such as Tulane University, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Boston University, Rowan University, the University of North Texas Health Science Center, and the University of Cincinnati, as well as partnerships with global research initiatives like the International Childhood Cardiovascular Cohort Consortium (i3C), we are forging new paths in health research that transcend traditional boundaries. Together, we aim to deepen our understanding of heart and brain health, exploring how early-life risk factors influence health outcomes across the lifespan.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about the Collaborations for Bogalusa Heart Study


The Bogalusa Heart Study has shown that childhood factors like obesity, diet, and physical activity impact heart disease risk later in life. This research underscores the need for early prevention and healthier lifestyle choices for young people. The study will also explore the connection between these factors and brain health.

When did Bogalusa Heart Study join Tulane University?

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Does the study collaborate with schools or community organizations?

In the fall of 1973, the Bogalusa Heart Study launched as a long-term investigation into the early natural history of cardiovascular disease in the semirural parish of Bogalusa, Louisiana.